
沃尔玛员工向美国劳联产联发求援信 全国总工会定性为政治事件

民生观察工作室2014-3-25消息:前天,本工作室发布了沃尔玛员工请愿抗议的消息(沃尔玛湖南常德店停业 百余员工连日讨说法http://www.msguancha.com/a/lanmu2/2014/0323/9583.html),今天又有最新消息传来。



Please Help Us Fight against Walmart’s Illegal and Brutal Closings
Dear AFL-CIO leadership,
I am a Walmart worker in China and writing to ask for help for hundreds of Chinese Walmart workers facing Walmart’s illegal and brutal closings! During Walmart’s expansion in China, establishing more than 400 stores, it has also suddenly closed several stores to maximize its profits and plan to close about 20 stores in 2014.
In previous years, Walmart’s brutal closings led to a few suicidal attempts in Northeast China. Recently, more than 100 Walmart workers in Changde city of Hunan province, under the leadership of local union, got together to resist Walmart’s plan. Walmart store management suddenly announced the closing plan on March 5th, without any prior information for workers, and replaced workers immediately, dragging workers from their posts. Walmart’s action is illegal, violating Article 4 of China Labor Contract Law which requires prior consultation with workers or worker representatives and negotiations with unions when firms make decisions with significant consequences to workers, and barbarous, enraging the union chairman and more than 100 workers who organized together to ask for the right of consultation and dignity and a reasonable closing package for workers.
This is the first organized resistance to Walmart, with the help of local Walmart union, in China and has inspired hundreds of workers in other two Walmart stores in Anhui province which were closed in Mid-March. Given Walmart’s abrupt announcement and cruel instant replacement, store union and workers did not have enough time to organize resistance and now loosed workplace power to force Walmart management to come to the bargaining table. Local police and security personnel fiercely suppressed workers’ collective actions. Although several labor lawyers and scholars went to the store and are helping the workers, it would greatly help these workers if AFL-CIO or other relevant unions or organizations from the US which is the mother country of Walmart could join in our fight against Walmart.
Would you please join our campaign against Walmart’s illegal and brutal closings? This campaign would benefit several hundreds of Walmart workers since Walmart will close more than 20 stores this year and has the potential to inspire China’s local Walmart union, Walmart’s only union in the world, to represent workers instead of serving management. Would you please forward this message to any other unions or organizations/people that may be interest in a campaign against Walmart or helping Chinese Walmart workers? We would also appreciate your comments or advices in guiding our fight against Walmart!
Yours sincerely,
walmart worker (When open, anonymous)
A worker from China Walmart
Chunyun Li, a PhD candidate from Rutgers University, translated this letter.
Attached please find some photos of Changde Walmart workers’ collective action
Local police dispersing Walmart worker collective.
Local police took workers out of site brutally.
A worker lied down in front of the car transporting Walmart goods.
Collective resistance to Walmart closing
A Walmart worker was pushed to the ground.
A Walmart worker was hurt during local police’s escort of Walmart closing and moving of goods.

